Who Would You Be If You Weren't Anxious?

anxiety cognitive restructuring identity Sep 28, 2023

I heard a song the other day called, Happy by NF.  It’s a rap song and NF is an artist that my boys are into right now.  Some of the lyrics jumped out at me and I realized that there was a deep truth in it that I wanted to share here.


The truth is, I need help, but I just can't imagine who

Who I'd be if I was happy”


Here’s what is so crucial here.  Over time, our behavioral and emotional habits begin to form and define our identity.   Have you ever called yourself a “Nervous-Nelly” or a “Worry Wart”?  We keep these identities so close to our definitions of who we are that removing these seems impossible.  “I just can’t imagine who I’d be if I was happy…”


One reason we get stuck in these patterns is because we don’t know what to replace these patterns with…of course, SOMETHING needs to replace them.


When you’ve spent years or even your entire life being a certain way, thinking certain thoughts, reacting to life with the same responses, those patterns become deeply ingrained.  Remember, the neurons that fire together in our brains, wire together.  Patterns practiced over and over become automatic.  


We have to practice this new way of being and thinking OVER AND OVER to replace those old patterns.




We need to have a really clear image of this new pattern so that we can disrupt our old patterns and finally, be free to replace them. 


Maybe this sounds daunting.  I hope not.  You only need to take small steps consistently.  Over time, you’ll look back and see the dramatic changes.  New, more peaceful, patterns replaced the frazzled and anxious ones.  


All you need to do is take the first step.  Today, that could be as simple as imagining yourself free of anxiety.  Below are some questions to ask.  You can just ponder the answers or (my personal favorite) write them down in your journal.  You don’t have to answer them all, they are just guides.  It may seem like a simple step because it is.  But creating your vision of yourself and your new identity is absolutely crucial to get you on the path (and keep you)  to freedom from anxiety.

What are some of my most common patterns of anxiety?  What are situations where I feel most anxious?


What would it FEEL like to be free from anxiety in those moments? 


What will I LOOK like when I have conquered anxiety?


What will my THOUGHTS be when I am completely free from anxiety?


How will I respond to these situations differently?  Be specific…what would I actually think, do or say instead?


What will I gain from living free from anxiety?  Will I be more present?  Will I take more risks?  Will I say “YES” to myself more?  Will I have more confidence?

You deserve the joy and peace you desire.  I’m cheering you on!


PS- If you're looking for more strategies and support to finally feel the freedom from anxiety, check out this. https://www.staceybrake.com/anxiety-detox-course

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