Want to Borrow My Magic Wand?

cognitive flexibility magic wand Aug 17, 2023

What if you had a magic wand right now that would solve one big problem for you?


Maybe you think this is a silly question. 

Maybe you’ve outgrown magical thinking.  


I hope I can get you to reconsider for just a moment.


Let’s say that you are starting a new job.  This often brings a bit of nervousness for anyone but if you’re prone to anxiety, that nervousness can grow and may even feel like it’s taking over.  We feel overwhelmed by the “what ifs”.  We lose a bit of sleep.  We hyperfocus on small things that seem to be going wrong and pointing to signs that things are not working out. Leading up to that first day, it grows and it feels hard to imagine anything going right.


Anxiety can take away our flexibility in thinking, creativity, and problem solving.  These are all important habits of mind to be successful.  So, in a way, anxiety becomes the catalyst for a self-fulfilling prophecy.


When we focus on what could go wrong and worst-case scenarios, our brains get stuck in a negative spiral.


Let me introduce you to the magic wand!


Back to the new job scenario.  You can ask:  If I had a magic wand and could wave it over my first day back, what would happen?  


This allows your brain to shift just enough to allow positive thoughts and solutions to enter the scene.  Now, you can dive into those thoughts deeper.  How would it feel?  An alternative to the magic wand is the miracle question.  If you went to sleep tonight and a miracle occurred, how would this situation look different? 


The real magic in the magic wand is that it gives your mind the flexibility to consider positive outcomes.  When you focus on what could go right, you begin to prepare for good things to come your way.  You can begin to relax into better feelings which will set you up to be more likely to find success. 


See!  It IS magic…kinda!


Your turn!  If you had a magic wand right now, what would you do with it? What one problem would you use it to solve?  What would the solution LOOK like?  What would the solution FEEL like?


You deserve the joy and freedom you desire!  I’m cheering you on!


Much Love,



PS- If you missed my interview with Dr. Donahue, you can catch it here!

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