One magic ingredient to feel better!

anxiety l-theanine lemon balm magnesium sleep worried thoughts Apr 27, 2023
The magic (and science) of sleep

The magic (and science) of sleep


One thing that my Dad taught me has saved me a number of times as an adult.  When I was younger and life was completely falling apart.  My Dad would listen.  He would let me melt down and get it all out.  Then, he wouldn’t try to fix everything…well, maybe he’d offer a bit of advice…he’d make this one suggestion OVER AND OVER.


Go sleep on it.  “I bet if you get some rest, you’ll think about this differently in the morning.”  That’s it.  No fixing my problems.  No grand pity party.  Just…go to sleep.


Sometimes, the next day, the problem would still be looming.  The problem would still feel big, but I’d be fresh and better able to tackle the issue AND more open to suggestions and ideas.


But, more often than not…the problem would vanish overnight.  My perspective would completely change and I’d have no worries.

Like magic.  Without any effort.  It was amazing.  I’d go to bed thinking my world was about to end.  I’d wake up and think it was such a silly thought.


I’ve carried that advice into my adulthood.  Sometimes, it feels like nothing is going my way.  I feel that the stakes are too high for the decisions in front of me.  I look at myself, my life, my achievements and it’s like a grey filter in front of all of it.  It looks bleak, petty, sad, and unimpressive.  Life feels hard.  And worst of all, when I think of what I normally feel grateful for, I feel like a fraud.


So, I allow myself to cry.  Let it out.  No need to try to fix anything.  No need to try to force happiness, gratitude or joy.  Just let the sadness be.  It’s not the time to try to tackle these mountains.  Then, I take a shower.  Put on some cozy clothes and go to sleep.


Without fail, I wake up feeling better in the morning.  Even if the problems are still there, my capacity to think, plan, and gain some real perspective have come back.


Like magic, a little rest has given me exactly what I needed.

As I've studied psychology and behavior as an adult, I've also learned the science behind this magic.  Maybe you've heard about these benefits of a good night's rest:  boosts immune system, prevents weight gain, strengthens your heart, improves your mood, increase productivity, performance and memory. 

 If you know that better sleep would benefit you but you aren't sure how to make that happen, here are a couple of things you could try.

#1: Sleep Routine: going to bed at the same time trains your body and brain to get better sleep.  Also, making sure that your room is dark, and cooler will encourage the triggers in your brain to begin the sleep cycle. 

#2: Supplements that can help: L-theanine (found in green tea), lemon balm, and magnesium have all been found to help you rest...especially if anxiety is part of what's keeping you up.

#3 Worry thoughts container: If you lay down to go to sleep and find that your brain is running through to do lists or what ifs....keep a journal by your bed.  Writing it down means you don't have to keep it swirling in your brain.  If your mind tries to keep replaying it, interrupt that pattern by reminding yourself, it's already on the list...I can take care of this tomorrow after I'm rested.

Rest well, my friend so you can show up and be your absolute best!  We need the very best version of YOU!

You deserve the joy and peace you desire!  I'm cheering you on!

Much Love,


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