March Madness...where do you stand?

#anxietydetox #authenticity #livefully #marchmadness #performance #vulnerability Mar 28, 2024

It’s March Madness right now.  
In my house, we celebrate March Madness like some celebrate Thanksgiving.  It’s food, gathering, talking, staying up late…and we wouldn’t miss it.  We plan our schedules around watching the big basketball games. 

I can’t help but notice the emotional side of this tournament.  

When you hear the Cinderella story of a team like Oakland, with Jack Goulke becoming famous (at least in the basketball world) overnight.  Jack is in his last year of college and was a ZERO star recruit.  Nobody bet on Jack.  But he scored 10, 3-point shots in a tournament game, nearly tying the NCAA tournament record.  

On the flip side of all of that excitement is the heartbreak.  Teams that should do well in the tournament, eliminated in the first round.  Seniors who have dreamed of this moment their entire lives, done everything they could to get to this opportunity, told by everyone around them that THIS was their moment….their dreams crushed by a heartbreaking loss.  

Life is really tumultuous for all of the players, coaches, and families involved.  Let’s be real…it’s Madness for spectators too!

Why would someone put themselves through all of that?!?  

It’s called LIVING life!  

If I get the chance to live to be 100 years old, I hope I can look back and say, with a completely full heart, I DIDN’T miss the chance to live it all fully.  All of the highs and lows are the result of putting it all out there.  Giving love completely without fear of losing it because that fear gets in the way of true love.  Offering my gifts to the absolute best of my ability whether my gifts are appreciated or not.  Showing up authentically whether I am accepted or rejected.  

Anxiety gets in the way of living fully.  Anxiety stops you from taking those emotional risks.  Heartbreak, loss, grief, disappointment, rejection, failure…all of these are part of life.  I’m not going to pretend it isn’t hard…it IS.  

Avoiding the risks that come with authenticity and vulnerability in your life means you are missing out on the big positives too!  True love, full joy, freedom, passion, creativity, faith, success…are all dampened or hindered when we hold back or get held back by anxiety.  

So, I ask…What would you do?  How would you live your life if you allowed yourself to play full out?  Who could you become?  What would make the 100 year old version of you PROUD?

You deserve the joy and peace you desire!  I’m cheering you on!

Much Love,

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