Joy in the Journey...It's not JUST about the Destination.

#joyinthejourney #happiness #sucess #goals #accomplishments #americandream Apr 25, 2024

There’s a quote that I repeat to myself often.  I never remember who said it or exactly how it goes, but it’s something like this…

“You’re perfect just the way you are…AND there’s room for improvement.”

It reminds me that even though I have goals and big dreams, it doesn’t all have to happen at once.  

It reminds me that when I fail or things don’t work out as I had carefully laid out in my mastermind, that’s OK too.  

If we are lucky, we are taught to dream, to set goals, to create the plan to achieve our dreams and to execute. 

But, I’ve never been in the class that taught me how to enjoy the journey, to enjoy those little steps along the way. 

The American dream says, you can be or do anything you desire!  But forgets to remind us that the reason we dream, the reason we have goals is the same.

We want to be happy.  We want a life of fulfillment.  We want a life that makes us feel proud.  We want joy, peace, love, confidence and security.

All of those feelings aren’t the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, those are available to you all along the way.  

I’ve hopped on the speedway to my goals before but these days, I’m enjoying the scenic route a bit more.  Yes, I have goals!  Yes, I have big dreams!  But I don’t want to miss all of the joy and blessings of THIS moment in my rush to get there.


So maybe, for just a moment, join me on the scenic route.  Allow yourself to believe that where you are right now is just right and that you’re on the way to something you desire but even here, you are perfect just the way you are.  You are not broken or lost…you just haven’t yet reached your next destination.

You deserve the joy and peace you desire!  I’m cheering you on!

Much Love,


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