Is it OK to be happy with so much going wrong?

#happy #guilt #war #ukraine #joyfulliving #ukraineresilience Feb 02, 2024

Yesterday, I saw an article in the New York Times about a Ukrainian ski resort.  There were several photos of families smiling, laughing and having a great time.  I don’t know about you but when I picture people in Ukraine right now, I think of the war and how stressful and scary that must be.  Most of the images I’ve seen are of destruction, crying, pain, and grief.

It reminded me of something SNL did after 9/11.  They showed several of the cast members asking, “Is it OK to be funny right now?  Is it OK to laugh?”

It’s a legitimate question.  With so much going wrong in the world, are you abandoning the hurting people by being joyful and having fun?  Is it insensitive to allow yourself to feel good?

I think what this post reminded me of yesterday was this.  Finding moments of joy is a necessary task.  Sometimes it’s more difficult than other times to find it, but if you look hard enough, eventually, you can see the light of joy peek through the clouds.  

It’s not that the people at the ski resort are insensitive or in denial of the fact that war is a very real part of their life.  In fact, the ski resort has made preparations for emergencies.  They can’t completely ignore the war.  February marks 2 years since the war began in Ukraine.  It’s easy to imagine all of the joy was put on pause.  Yet, there are still joyful moments.

Ukrainian families are still taking time to go have fun.  This is a great example for all of us to follow.  Even with hardships in our lives.  Even when those around us struggle.

I’d argue that finding joy is a necessary task.  Chronic stress takes a toll on your emotional health as well as your physical health.  Chronic stress can literally lead to heart disease, diabetes, self-medicating with drugs/alcohol, depression, anxiety…  

So, finding joy and peace in your life isn’t just a fluffy “nice” idea.  It’s crucial even in difficult times…especially in difficult times.  

If life is hard for you right now, take a moment to think of something that could bring you joy and give yourself the grace to do it.

If life is going great for you right now, take a moment to express your gratitude for joy flowing easily to you.  The most sincere form of gratitude is gratitude in action.  So go do more of what makes you feel joyful.  And if you can share that with someone who’s having a hard time seeing the light, even better!

You deserve the joy and peace you desire!  I’m cheering you on!

Much Love,

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