Is Cortisol Bad?

anxiety cortisol research stress Sep 07, 2023

Cortisol is often referred to as the STRESS HORMONE.  So much information is out there about lowering cortisol levels.  Including what I share.


It is true that chronic stress (i.e. chronic excess cortisol) leads to heart disease, gut issues, high blood pressure, stroke, etc.  


BUT…we don’t talk about the other side.


Did you know that exercise increases cortisol?

Wait!  That’s confusing.  Isn’t exercise known to REDUCE STRESS?


Apparently, there is GOOD stress and BAD stress, if you want to think of it as good vs. bad.


The difference between the good and bad is essentially one small difference.  It’s how you think about it.  


One recent study compared stress levels in groups of kids who exercised (played on the playground, did sports, etc) vs those who did not.   What they found was that the group of kids who exercised, showed fewer signs of stress even when they were subjected to similar stressors in their life like parents divorcing or difficulty with grades.


What researchers believe is going on is actually really cool.  AND leads me to an amazing tip that you can use to feel less stress in your life…EVEN if all of the stressful things are still happening.  Since we can’t all quit our jobs, move to the country, and just spend all day doing only what we want and find fun…this is next best!


Back to the researchers.  What they believe is actually happening is a form of brain training or rewiring.  When we do something that produces cortisol by choice, like working out or getting in a cold plunge, we process that information in our brains as a positive event.


This trains our brains to deal with extra cortisol when we find ourselves in stressful situations that we don’t choose.  


It’s like our brain is saying, “Oh!  I get this.  I’ve been here before.  I know what to do.”  Instead of being crippled by the stress, we have confidence in ourselves.


So, when you hear the phrase “Do hard things” it actually COULD help you deal with stress by giving your mind and body confidence that you can handle the hard things.  


I hope you find this helpful.


You deserve the joy and peace you desire!  I’m cheering you on!


Much Love,


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