Interoception...the good news and the bad news.

anxiety anxiety detox interoception mindfulness Jul 06, 2023

One of the things that drew me into psychology when I was 20, were all of the great words used to describe how people behaved and their mental & emotional experiences.  I was fascinated by the laser-focused descriptions of real (sometimes ordinary) life.


For example…Suppose you’re at a party having a conversation.  Suddenly, you hear your name spoken in another conversation about 6 feet away.  Immediately, your awareness turns to the other conversation.  You didn’t even notice these people talking moments before…NOW, you can hear everything they are saying.  Something in your brain shifts and your attention is captivated.  We’ve all had this happen.  Psychologists created a name for it…the cocktail effect.


The fact that it was possible to study such a phenomenon and call it a job???  Fascinating to my 20-year-old brain!  


There’s another word that comes from the field of psychology that can be an important factor to your anxiety.  The word is interoception.  Pronounced in - tear (like tearing paper) - O - ception (c sounds like s).  Interoception.  Great!  Now what does it have to do with anxiety?


Interoception is our awareness of what’s going on inside of our body.  Awareness of our heart rate, awareness of hungry and full sensations, awareness of thirst, awareness of our breathing.  


One great way to reduce anxiety is to increase your interoception…notice your heart rate, notice your breathing.  We can teach this through mindfulness practices.  Once you have the awareness, you can then learn what to do about those sensations.


But, there’s a downside.  Bummer! 


Sometimes when we have high interoception, we become hypervigilant of our internal sensations.  For example, someone who has high interoception, may be VERY aware of their heart rate.  If their heart rate becomes elevated, whether it’s fear-based, caffeine-based, or even exercise-based…they mentally note it as anxiety.  Thinking that your anxiety is kicking in but not knowing why, can make you feel MORE anxious.  People with high interoception who don’t have strategies to cope, can be at higher risk for anxiety.


The solution?  Interoception is still the answer.  Practice becoming aware of your heart rate AND practice ways to slow your heart rate…like 5-10 breathing exercises.  


It’s not ALL bad news.  Interoception is a way of taking back your own power.  Bringing the control of your own emotions and sensations back to you!


Also, I think it’s a really fun word to say!  So, try increasing your interoception this week.  If you have a watch with a heart rate monitor, you can make a game out of it like “Guess your heart rate” or “try to lower your heart rate”.  


Let me know how it goes for you!

Also, a BIG, EXCITING announcement!  I’m re-launching Anxiety Detox with some new features AND additional support (group and private coaching).  The details are coming soon and I’ll share them with you first!


You deserve the joy and peace you desire!  I’m cheering you on!


Much Love,


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