Happy NEW Year!!! How has it been so far?

#newyearintentions #flourishing #bucketlist #2024 Jan 05, 2024

How has 2024 been for you so far?  Did you set your intentions?  Resolutions?  Create a 2024 bucket list?

If you know me, you know that I don’t make new year's resolutions…anymore.  I failed several years in a row to follow through with “quit biting my nails”, “work out, get in shape”, and “send birthday cards to everyone in my family”.  Of course, when I failed, I had to live with that failure for the rest of the year.  You know what happened when I let those resolutions go?  I feel freer, happier, and I’ve found ways to make those things happen (sorta).  For example, I don’t send cards, but everyone’s birthday is on our calendar to remind us to send a birthday text or video.  

This year, my intention, my word is FLOURISHING.  So, I find myself asking the question, “How would I do this if I were flourishing?”  What would my morning routine be like if I were flourishing?  How would I approach my work if I were flourishing?  How would I treat my family if I were flourishing?  It really makes everything feel so much simpler and easier.  It’s my guiding star for this year.  

Just this morning, I was the first one up and having coffee when my youngest woke up and came into the living room.  What does it look like to be a flourishing mom in this situation?  I started to chat with him.  I suggested that we plan something together, just the two of us.  I asked what HE would want to do which sparked a whole new conversation on things that he’s passionate about.  We dove into researching and overall, it was just a really joyful time together.  

I didn’t wake up with the goal of having a great interaction with my son.  I didn’t set a rule that I would spend special time with him.  I didn’t create a specific goal to pass or fail.  No checking boxes or marking off accomplishments.  I simply have this new intention and I follow that intention wherever it leads.

Ten years ago, I would completely BALK at this suggestion.  You MUST have goals.  You MUST improve.  This whole self-improvement journey can be great but can be completely draining and also can pull us into a negative spiral.  I do still set goals but not goals with a WHOLE YEAR tag.  Also, when I set those goals, I have a secret weapon that makes goal setting way more effective AND way more joyful.  I’ll share more about that next week. 

Let me know!  Did you choose a word for the year?  Do you have a bucket list?  Or are you hanging with the “New Year, Same old me” squad?  Tell me what works for you!

You deserve the joy and peace you desire!  I’m cheering you on!

Much Love,

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