That's not a carrot! Pulling weeds...

awareness emotional weeds meditation mindfulness May 18, 2023

If you're a pro gardener like me (LOL), you can tell that this weed is NOT a carrot.  

However, when it first popped up in my garden, I couldn't.  When it was a sprout among the carrot sprouts, it looked similar.

So, of course, I left it. And it grew.

As it got bigger, it didn't quite look the same as the other carrots.  But I left it...just in case.

Eventually, there was no denying it.  THIS was a weed....not a carrot.

Finally, after weeks of letting this grow and take up more and more space in my carrot garden...I removed it.

Before I removed it, this little weed was given the same love and care that my real carrots received.  I watered it.  It remained in the garden behind a fence to prevent the bunnies from eating it.  The compost and soil I put in the garden were undoubtedly nourishing this little rascal.

Garden weeds and Emotional weeds are a lot alike.

  • It's possible to nurture and grow something you don't REALLY want.
  • In order to remove the unwanted, you first have to be able to identify it.  

Sometimes, we nurture and grow our fear because we think it might be something that's good for us.  We think it's going to help us.  we believe that the fear (or judgements, or self doubts) are keeping us SAFE.

Sometimes, we're wrong but we don't know it until we've allowed it to grow kinda big.

With a little awareness and practice, you can get really good at identifying your emotional weeds when they are small and really easy to remove.  If we let them grow, eventually, they'll take over and choke out the feelings that you do want.

One of the most powerful things I've learned in my life is learning to manage my own emotional state.  Mindfulness is one of the best tools you can use to learn to identify emotional weeds while cultivating the positive and beneficial states.

I've partnered with a non-profit, RX for Wholeness.  Their mission is to ultimately support people who find themselves homeless due to mental illness.  This mission connects deeply in my heart.  I created a course called Mindfulness Meditation Journey which you can find on the Rx for Wholeness platform.  Joining this course can help you with your emotional weeds AND help further the mission of this non profit.

You deserve the joy and peace you desire!  I'm cheering you on!

Much Love,



Click the image to see the Mindfulness Meditation Journey.

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