The Importance of Blissipline

blissipline goal-setting joy in the journey Jan 11, 2024

Hello, Love!

Last week, I told you that I don’t do New year’s Resolutions (no judgment if they work for you!).  I’m personally stepping away from the PUSH, GRIND, STRIVE, FORCE style of goal setting.  I still have goals and dreams, BIG ONES!  But, what I’m really working toward is remembering to find the joy in the journey.   To quote one of my sons, “The journey IS the destination.” 

If you think of it from a time perspective, the work leading up to your goal is the biggest chunk of time.  Actually, reaching the peak or checking off the accomplishment is a tiny blip on the radar.  Most high achievers I know, have barely reached their goal and they are already creating checklists for the next one.  Often, not even taking the time to celebrate their accomplishment.

Believe it or not, there’s another way.  You can still focus on accomplishing a goal.  We are meant to grow, evolve and become more inspiring versions of ourselves.  This other way to get there is called blissipline. 

Blissipline is a combination of the words bliss and discipline.  Blissipline is recognizing that the journey IS the thing.  Blissipline is refusing to put on the blinders on your path to success.  It’s bringing discipline to your emotional journey.  Refusing to push aside joy until you EARN it through your accomplishments, is a total waste.

Life isn’t just about a series of accomplishments and checked boxes.  It’s about the path to getting there.  It’s about the people we meet along the way that help us out, point us in the right direction, give us the encouragement we need when we are at our lowest.  Blissipline is finding the appreciation for where we are and the work we are doing to get to our goals.  Blissipline is allowing ourselves to see beauty, love and joy, even when there are things that aren’t beautiful, loving and joyful around us.  Blissipline is refusing to stay stuck in negative spirals even if that means bringing in new, uncomfortable habits, conversations, or even asking for help.  


Joy and Peace don’t just happen.  We have to develop the blissipline to cultivate these emotions and keep working at it as life changes and evolves.  It’s not always easy, but YOU are SO worth it.


You deserve the joy and peace you desire!  I’m cheering you on!


Much Love,


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