What's better than GIVING thanks?

connection gratitude Oct 26, 2023

If you’ve been here for long you already know that I’m a big fan of gratitude.  Studies have shown the mental health benefits of writing in a gratitude journal and expressing gratitude to others.  


Our brains are happier when we focus more on what we’ve got than on what we don’t have.  


Meanwhile, I’ve seen the transformative power of gratitude journaling in my own life.  My husband and I started writing in one together about 2 ½ years ago.  At this point, my husband says that after journaling every day for so long, gratitude has become a habit.  He thinks about it all throughout the day…me too!


So, imagine my surprise when I came across something that is actually BETTER than giving thanks!


If you aren’t familiar with Andrew Huberman, he is a neuroscientist and a professor at Stanford.  He hosts one of the most popular podcasts where he discusses practical applications of science.  


One episode, he shared 5 steps for enhancing connections.  The very first one he shares was “GETTING thanks”.  That’s right, even more powerful than giving thanks is getting thanks. 

Neuroimaging shows that the greatest positive effects occur in our brains when we receive thanks.  


Now, I’m a fan of focusing on what we can control and frankly, you can’t control whether or not someone else will offer you “thanks”.  And I definitely wouldn’t recommend expecting it from someone in particular.  We have no idea where others are in their life and some people are just not in a space where they CAN offer gratitude.  Holding onto that will certainly make us feel less happy.  


But there is something you can do to make it MORE LIKELY that others will express their gratitude towards you.  


Remember the old Golden Rule?  Do unto others as you would have others do unto you!


That’s it!  The secret is to express your gratitude to others.  Give it sincerely.  Give it generously.  You don’t lose a thing by giving away more and more “thank yous”.  


Writing in a gratitude journal orients your mind to the positive but TAKING ACTION will deepen your personal practice AND make it more likely that others will do the same for you.  


It’s a no lose situation.  So, make a plan right now to give away as much gratitude as you can.  I’m willing to bet, you’ll start to see some returns! 


You deserve the joy and peace you desire!  I’m cheering you on!


Much Love,


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