an AI world.
May 25, 2023Have you heard the buzz around AI (Artificial Intelligence)? I remember the concept from my childhood…but it was all just science fiction. Now, it’s real and it’s available to the mainstream…aka, us regular folks.
I’ll admit, I’ve been fascinated by the capabilities of AI. I read about it everywhere and I’ve even played around with it. See the photo of me on the left? Well, it has been modified using AI technology. It took me about 2 minutes to do it. (Original is on the right) And I’m not the speediest person when it comes to tech. I’ve seen examples of what people are doing with AI that is completely mind blowing.
There are people who are predicting dire consequences. And there are people who sing the praises of what’s to come. Now, I don’t have a crystal ball to see into the future and tell you what’s going to happen with all of this technology…but I DO have one hunch I’d love to share.
Currently, AI technology can write our emails (not this one!), schedule our appointments, shop for us, write scripts, create art, track emotions…Check out THIS article by Forbes if you want to read more.
I believe as AI interactions become more prolific, we are going to see the desire for authenticity increase. With so much computer generated experiences in life…we will crave the “real”.
So, how does one become authentic? I don’t think you need to photograph or video your darkest moment to share on social media to be authentic, although some find value in that. There is actual research to show how to connect with your own authenticity.
Know thyself: This first step is simple but not always easy. Have you ever taken a strengths test? Here’s one you can try if you’d like.. Oftentimes, we get caught up in the comparison trap. We compare our lives, our selves, our circumstances to others. We think we should be able to succeed in the same ways. The best way to live a happy, whole life is to know your strengths and weaknesses. And then, set yourself up to lean into and rely on your strengths. Then, learn to let go of not being the BEST in EVERY SINGLE CATEGORY.
When Beau was in kindergarten, he complained to me…”How come I never have holiday shirts like some of the other kids in my class.” He was in class with twin girls whose mom ran an ETSY shop and they ALWAYS had new, customized shirts with their names on them for every holiday. DId I go out and buy a cricut machine and start my own etsy shop? NO! Goodness, NO! But, I could call her up and order shirts for the boys. Of course, after the one holiday shirt…he was happy. Now that he’s 12, I couldn’t pay him to wear a customized holiday shirt. KNOW THYSELF! You won’t be able to live authentically, if you don’t know your true strengths and gifts.
LIVE BASED ON YOUR VALUES: Your Core Values are the things YOU believe are important in the way you live and work. If you aren’t intentional about listening to your own inner voice, these can be swayed by outside influences. Take some time to reflect on your core values. And then ask…”Am I living based on these values?” In other words, “Am I behaving in a way that I truly believe is important?”
You can find guided assessments on this. OR you can just do this yourself. Make a list of things that are important to you in family, work, relationships… Brainstorm ideas for 5 minutes. Then, look back over what you’ve written and narrow it down to your top 3-5. Write them on post-its and look at them daily. Use these guiding values to make decisions in your life.
When we are living authentically, it shows. Our brains subconsciously know when we are not. And if we aren’t, we feel stressed, drained, and anxious. Just like that AI doctored photo of me… you know SOMETHING isn’t quite right.
Practice authenticity and you’ll attract authentic people into your life.
You deserve the peace and joy you desire. I’m cheering you on!
Much Love,