Are You Resilient?

mindfulness positive relationships purpose resiliance self-awareness self-care trauma Oct 05, 2023

The definition of resilience is "the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness."  

So the question really is, "How TOUGH are you?"

You probably have gone through some things at this point in your life.  Traumas, difficulties, and obstacles small and large.  In those moments, you learned how "tough" you are.  

We glorify the idea of being a hero but my guess is that most heroes would have preferred to avoid the trauma that they endured which resulted in that title.  

Resilience isn't just about being tough...  

Joe loves to tell the story about the time he and I went kiteboarding offshore and I had an accident.  I crashed and the bar hit me in the eye.  I was bleeding and in pain.  I wondered if I would lose my eye. We still had to get back home.  It took us over an hour.  He describes me as "tough".  

There's an important part of that story he leaves out...but I'll get to that in a minute. 

Resilience doesn't mean you are unaffected by the traumas.  Resilience means you have the tools and support to bounce back.

When we experience hard times and traumas but DON'T have the tools and support, we become traumatized, wounded, suffer from PTSD, Anxiety, Depression....we continue to LIVE in the experience of that moment.  

Resilience is about being able to bounce back into a life of love, joy and peace.  

The 5 keys of true resilience are self-awareness, mindfulness, self-care, positive relationships and purpose. 

So, when I had my accident, which was very scary and traumatic, the part of the story that Joe leaves out is actually what I needed most to be resilient in that moment.  

Before we made the awful trip home with my busted eye, we stopped at a small island nearby to assess the damage.  I was tough and stoic as we came up to the island and landed our kites.  The moment they were down, I fell absolutely to pieces.  I sobbed so hard on that little island while Joe checked on me and comforted me.  

Afterwards, I could be resilient.  I could be tough and get back home.  But not all by myself.  

We need tools.  AND we need each other to weather the storms of life.  

Being resilient isn't about doing it alone.  

So, the next time life gets tumultuous...remember that you were never meant to do this alone.  You CAN be resilient, but no all alone. Reach out.  Remember how good it feels to be the one to help someone?  Don't deny your friends and loved ones the chance to do the same for you!

You deserve the joy and peace you desire!  I'm cheering you on!

Much Love,


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