Next Play...

basketball criticism forgiveness judgement next play Sep 14, 2023

Basketball is a big part of my little family’s life right now.  


Recently, I was watching my husband coach our sons’ in practice.  Side note: I’m super proud of him and our boys…he’s a great coach and our boys are leaders on the court. 


The team was scrimmaging at the end of practice so it was a low-stakes game-like situation but the boys were playing hard and giving it all they had.  The two “teams” (really one team broken into two groups) were neck and neck.  There is a special way that pride gets involved when a team breaks into two and plays teammate against teammate.  Both sides REALLY wanted the win.


As a spectator…it was a really great game to watch.  


And then…one guy with the ball gets trapped (two on one)...he’s forced to pass.  He makes a quick pass but the guy he passed to couldn’t get a hold of the ball and it flew out of bounds.  The look on his face as he realized his mistake cost his team the ball (and possibly the game)... it was deep regret.  My heart broke for him.  I held my breath.


But, along comes Joe, my husband/coach.  He reminds him of the team's agreement.  The boy bangs his chest and says, “my bad”.  And the rest of the team responds, “next play”.  


In 2 seconds, his regret dissolved.  No teammates jumped into blame-mode.  They all went back to playing as hard as they could.  Being able to recover from mistakes in a basketball game is crucial.   When the pace is really fast and losing your mental fortitude would probably mean a 2nd mistake, then a 3rd, and ultimately the game. 


I couldn’t help but make the connection in real life.  Sometimes it seems that we live in a world of cancel-culture, judging, trolling, and expressing our negative views of other people’s lives and choices freely.


These judgements and criticisms don’t really help people grow, learn and thrive.  


What if, when we see someone make a mistake, we look at them right in the midst of their shame and regret, and instead of judging or criticizing them, we say, “Next Play”?  How much more could we all grow, thrive?  How much more healing are those words?


If you’ve made a mistake recently, if you’ve slipped backwards on your grand plans for success…next play. 


You deserve the joy and peace you desire!  I’m cheering you on!


Much Love,


PS- Click here to see the video about this on Facebook.  Also, if you haven't joined the Anxiety Detox Facebook group, do that too!  I share more frequently there and would love for you to join in on the conversation.

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