Finding Balance...

anxiety balance meditation resilience secondary trauma Apr 21, 2023

Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to work with some true heroes. I went into a school that is currently supporting a student through an unimaginable tragedy. 

They don't feel like heroes. But, we often forget that the definition of being a hero is doing the unimaginable. Saving a life. Being there when others are afraid. Showing up even when you, yourself, feel afraid and lost. Being a hero seems glorious from a distance. But most heroes would tell you that if they could choose to be a hero and go through what they went through OR the horrible event not happen...they'd choose the latter.  

I've been thinking about this situation, about the people going through it, about the people offering love and support.  

And I'm reminded of this...

If we go through something light, we probably need something light to counterbalance the negative feelings we experienced.

But, if we go through something big, heavy, and tremendously difficult...we won't be able to get ourselves centered using the regular strategies once or twice. Finding balance can feel more difficult.

When you go through something that is very heavy and deep, you'll have to dig equally deep to give yourself the care you need to process and heal.

I have really solid self-care routines. But whenever I get involved in trauma or crisis work, I know that I'll need to make space for more.

More time in nature, more physical exercise, more rest, more journaling, more talking with a friend....

If you find yourself in the midst of hero work...ask yourself these questions:

How am I processing this in my mind? Am I feeling edgy, emotional, tired, drained?

How and I processing this in my body? Do I notice any tension?

What do I need right now?  

 If you don't know where to start or how to give yourself what you need, try thinking in opposites.

I once heard a resilience trainer suggest that one way to think about what you need is to think in opposites. If you've been sitting, stand up and walk around. If you've been standing, lay down. If you have been talking a lot, sit quietly. If you've been inside, take a walk outside.  

It isn't selfish to recharge your batteries. Sometimes we think there's no time. Give yourself permission to find the time, to find the resource that YOU need to heal, recharge and get ready again to serve.  

If you need a resource, click the link below and it will take you to a meditation I created called "Peace in difficult times".  

 You deserve joy and peace in your life! I'm cheering you on!

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